TOF Coordinator Meeting

US/Eastern (zoom)



Weekly ePIC TOF Coordinators/DSL meeting on cost/schedule and plans

Zhangbu Xu
    • 11:00 11:20
      Work packages and coordinators 20m

      discuss work packages and coordinator list

      Speakers: Satoshi yano, Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
    • 11:20 11:40
      in-kind contributions and labor spreadsheet 20m
      Speakers: Satoshi yano, Wei Li, Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
    • 11:39 11:59
      R&D and PED progress, plan toward pre-TDR and TDR 20m

      What exactly is the goal, and how we get there?

      Speaker: Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)