ePIC pfRICH Engineering/Design Meeting



Meeting ID: 160 2832 6423 Passcode: 3DdgRUoscP

Summary: The team convened to discuss updating the schedule to meet the looming August deadline and strategizing ceiling tests. Sushrut proposed relocating the tests to SBU and suggested a two by two sensor plane prototype for sealing examinations. Bill requested a four-week extension for the coating schedule. Concerns were raised by Alex regarding potential heat impacts on detector systems during the beam pipe bakeout procedure.

Key Points:

  • Alex initiated a discussion on updating the schedule to ensure adherence to the August deadline and addressed the repercussions of delivery delays on the project timeline. (0:24)
  • Sushrut emphasized the necessity of conducting ceiling tests, suggesting sending one end ring initially for testing and proposing the option to shift the tests to SBU if required. (4:01)
  • Sushrut proposed relocating the ceiling tests to SBU and provided insights into the timeline for manufacturing the sensor plane prototype. (10:32)
  • Sushrut outlined the concept of conducting a sealing test using a two by two sensor plane prototype and acrylic sheet to assess the seal's strength under pressure. (15:51)
  • Alex recommended pressurization instead of vacuuming for the test, with unanimous agreement on applying regulated pressure for the experiment. (21:32)
  • Sushrut emphasized the necessity of communicating the ceiling choice for sensors and ensuring the bolting pattern's suitability to avoid late-stage redesigns. (31:45)
  • Bill updated the team on the coating schedule, seeking a four-week extension due to ongoing upgrades and pending tasks, including testing and mounting mirror brackets. (47:39)
  • Alex raised concerns about potential heat impacts on detector systems during the beam pipe bakeout procedure, seeking clarification before official announcements. (53:24)

Next Steps:

  • Sushrut to expedite the shipment of end rings by the end of this week or next week for the ceiling tests. (6:14)
  • Sushrut to coordinate the relocation of ceiling tests to SBU and determine in June if a visit is necessary or if instructions can suffice for Charles, Bill, and their team at SBU. (13:29)
  • Preet to collaborate with Alex and Charles to refine the plan for conducting the ceiling tests and present an improved version in the forthcoming meetings. (33:53)
  • Preet to prepare 70 by 70 centimeter samples for future testing without the need for precision cutting, as discussed with Alexander and Bill. (42:07)
  • Benni to diplomatically inquire with Makoto about the cost implications of the increasing number of tiles and recent limitations communicated. (1:07:44)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Schedule Update

      As requested by Alexander, we will fold in all the latest updates to the schedule and make sure we're still on track.

    • 2
      SBU Updates

      Updates from Bill/Kong/Charles regarding summary of what has been done recently on the mirror coating/analysis and vessel production

    • 3
      Purdue Updates

      Update from Andy/Sushrut regarding end ring production/simulation and mirror substrate updates.