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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

Probing Proton’s Identity using the Electron-Ion Collider

by Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS)

Small seminar room

Small seminar room


The Electron-Ion Collider, being constructed at the Brookhaven National Lab, is the “dream machine” for nuclear physics studies for the upcoming decades. The diverse capability in the accelerator design offers physicists a unique opportunity to study quark and gluon structures within nucleons and nuclei. Furthermore, the production and detection of the rare isotopes is a possibility.

In this seminar, we will dive into an example of many creative ways to use the EIC: Probing the proton’s identity (baryon number), and determining who carries the baryon number within its wavefunction: gluon? quark? Both?


Organised by

Zhoudunming (Kong) Tu
Brian Page