ePIC pfRICH General meeting


Alexander discussed the placement of an acrylic filter and pyramid mirrors, emphasizing the need for further study and considerations for the beam test. Bill proposed coating ten individual strips simultaneously and assembling them afterward, prompting a discussion on composing the grid structure. Alexander emphasized the importance of making decisions and adjustments (to include LED/Laser monitoring system and gas ports) to the design early on for the sensor plane.

Key Points
• Alexander discusses the placement of an acrylic filter for photon timing and the integration of pyramid mirrors, highlighting the need for further study and considerations for the beam test. (4:49)

• Bill and Alexander discuss coating methods for mirrors, considering using coated strips attached with double-sided tape for experiments. (10:33)

• Bill proposes coating ten individual strips simultaneously and assembling them afterward, prompting a discussion on composing the grid structure. (16:08)

• Alexander requests modifications for the prototype design, including ports for a light monitoring system, leading to a discussion with Bill about incorporating these changes. (27:26)

• Bill and Alexander deliberate on the compatibility of the final laser system with LED options and fiber ports, considering the illumination and calibration aspects. (29:19)

• Alexander explains the concept of using aerogel for timing calibration, emphasizing the reflection of light from the sensor plate and the aerogel's diffuse nature. (31:09)

• Alexander emphasizes the need for thoughtful design regarding the manifold integration into the structure for the monitoring system. (46:39)

• Alexander emphasizes the importance of making decisions and adjustments to the design early on for the sensor plane. (48:27)

Next Steps
• Alexander to develop a concept for the grid assembly and move the discussion to the Monday meeting for further refinement. (20:25)

• Bill to start discussing modifications to the vessel sensor plan design with Fernando and others for incorporating ports for the light monitoring system. (26:52)

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 12:00 12:20
      Stony Brook vessel & mirror PED work update 20m
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Charles-Joseph Naïm (Stony Brook University (CFNS)), Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS)
    • 12:20 12:40
      Purdue vessel & mirror PED work update 20m
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Andreas Werner Jung (member@cern.ch), Sushrut Karmarkar (Purdue University (USA))
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      AOB 20m