EPIC Far-Forward Weekly Meeting


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Alexander Jentsch is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.

Topic: EIC EPIC Far-Forward Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Passcode: T3+R?1%P

Discussion today was focused on trying to converge a requirements document for each detector:


Roman pots/OMD:

  • Things are fairly advanced in terms of requirements and technology choice. Table will be uploaded to the Wiki.


  • The present state of the studies indicate that PbWO4 could still perform well-enough for the soft photon program -- some final study is still needed.
  • LYSO is ~ 4x more expensive, and has some integration concerns (need longer crystals which don't exist, putting two crystals together would need study), and concerns about the timing capabilities, compared to PbWO4.

B0 Tracking:

  • Mitigation strategy needs to be put in place for the technology. Backup option needs to be able to deliver < 20um spatial resolution, be sufficiently radiation hard, and not increase cost or require further R&D.


Common issue discussed is lack of guidance on physics requirements from PWG. Discussion was pushed last Summer, but got very little response. 



More follow-up is required.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.