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Review June 10-11 2024:
Both WG meetings in the coming two weeks will be cancelled with our WG efforts diverted to the review preparation meetings.
Radiation tests of the electronics - Tim, Gerad
~45MeV Proton beam to test combined effective-1MeV neutron and ionizing dose on COTS buck DCDC power supply. Survived 30% of the 10-year projection dose for worst locations (forward calorimeters).
LTC7890 test:
Gerad: The sampling frequency is relatively low, so the spikes could be more frequent.
Gerad: other COTS components should pay attention too
Tonko: test CERN chips at UCD too?
Tim/Gerad: good point, and can be done if the budget allows. Similar to existing boards (FCS)
Elke: can do the test again with preparation and planning. Each test is costly. IO has Co-60 source
Elke: should consider bringing the radiation monitor as a cross-check
Tonko: consider adding linear regulators too
Tonko/Gerard: what after bPOL48V is down to 5V?
Tim: to be followed up
Jeff: one DCDC each per board for FEB?
Tim: one to few depending on the power demand.
Jin: what was TID from the proton beam in this test?
Alex: TID for this beam test is about 10kRad
Jin: results from different parts seems to be similar to each other, which suggest the part-to-part variation of the same part number would be small?
Tim: batch test would be the next step if a part was shown to be interesting.
Jin: COTS parts could be used for other locations of lower radiation such as barrel and the backward directions.
Jeff: could be interesting to learn from the CERN team on bias-unbiased and acute vs prolonged exposure
Gerard: expect moderate difference.
Elke: could be useful for a slower exposure test
Oleg: room-T self-annealing rate is very low