ePIC AC-LGAD TOF DSC Weekly Meeting Wednesday (10:30AM)

https://zoom.us/j/94203887542?pwd=NERaQWRuaEdlQ0JaOFRiSm1DT09QUT09 (zoom link)


zoom link

Meeting ID: 942 0388 7542 Passcode: 467095
Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University), Satoshi Yano
    • 10:30 10:50
      news and updates 20m
      Speakers: Satoshi Yano, Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
    • 10:50 11:10
      PID Plots for TDR (PID groups) 20m

      Silvia just asked me to summarize the "pre-TDR effort in the PID sector"
      at the June TIC meeting. That leaves us little time. We also have not
      met in a while so here's the plan.

      May 31: * PID meetings with status reports by all PID groups
      * Discussion on Lehigh PID program
      June 7: Page turner with DSC management & TU only
      June 10: TIC Meeting PID presentation

      If they are no objections I will make the announcement tomorrow incl.
      the Indico page.

      • Thomas
      Speaker: Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
    • 11:10 11:30
      ePIC Collaboration meeting at Lehigh (TOF agenda) 20m

      We have issued a call for proposals for workfests and/or parallel sessions at the upcoming July collaboration meeting at Lehigh University. We plan to have workests/parallel sessions the morning and afternoon on Thursday, July 25th and in the afternoon on July 26th. If demand is high, we could possibly hold some sessions the evening of the 25th as well.

      After discussions between the SP Office, CC Office and the Coordinators, we decided that the best way to develop the workfest/parallel session schedule is to ask the collaboration, hence this open call for proposals. We encourage people to work with the WG and DSC leadership, and to develop proposals that encourage interactions and exchange between different groups – take advantage to the opportunity presented by having a large number of your colleagues present in-person! We also strongly encourage the Cross-Cutting WG’s to consider developing cross-cutting proposals as well.

      Proposals should be sent to the CC and SP leadership, and they should include:

      • Names of organizers
      • Workfest title and topics to be addressed
      • Time required and requested days
      • Number of people anticipated to attend (space required)
      • Is this more of a parallel session, “workfest”, hybrid?

      The deadline to receive proposals is Friday, May 31st. The SP Office, CC Office and Coordinators will work out a schedule in concert with the local organizing committee.
      Depending on the number of requests, we may need to combine sessions, or push some sessions into the evening, but we won’t do this without talking with the organizers first and we will do our best to accommodate as many sessions as we reasonably can.

      from SP Office

      Speakers: Satoshi Yano, Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
    • 11:30 11:50
      R&D strategy and deadline (July 1) 20m
      Speaker: All