High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

Varun Vaidya, " [Hybrid RBRC seminar] Power counting to Jet Quenching"

2-160 ( https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1619458475?pwd=Z1VDdXVXcWF1eUhsRDZObVJnME4rUT09)



Room 2-160

Jet Quenching, the suppression of high energy jets in Heavy Ion Collisions, is one of the most basic observables that gives us access to the microscopic physics of the Quark Gluon Plasma(QGP). A complete calculation of this and related jet substructure observables in a strongly coupled medium is a challenging problem particularly due to the multitude of both perturbative and non-perturbative scales involved.  In ep and pp collisions, this problem is solved by deriving powerful factorization formulas that isolate the physics at well separated scales and which has led to unprecedented precision in theoretical calculations. Therefore, to emulate this level of precision for jet physics in Heavy Ion Collisions requires us address some key questions

  1. Can we factorize the universal microscopic physics of the strongly coupled QGP from the process dependent jet physics to all orders in perturbation theory?
  2. Can we derive gauge invariant operator definitions for these structure functions in a systematic manner starting from the QCD Lagrangian as is possible in ep and pp collisions?
  3. Can we leverage the universality of the structure functions to make predictions for other jet substructure observables?

I ll apply the technique of Effective Field Theory to this problem and show how it can be a powerful tool that can answer these questions in a systematically improvable manner.