ePIC pfRICH General meeting



The meeting emphasized the need for Dan to visit Stony Brook to inspect the end rings and highlighted the importance of additional engineering expertise. Key discussions included the Friday shipment deadline for bonding tests, and transitioning from T beams to picture frames for the HRPPD mounting, and regenerating the LUT with the new field map.

Key Points

  1. Inspection of End Rings

    • Prakhar and Alexander suggested it would be beneficial for Dan to visit Stony Brook to inspect the end rings, emphasizing the importance of additional engineering expertise. (2:27)
  2. Bonding Tests and Shipment Deadline

    • Sushrut outlined the schedule for cutting the bonding tests into seven-by-seven squares and shipping them to SBU, stressing the importance of meeting the Friday shipment deadline. (4:30)
  3. Transition to Picture Frames

    • Alex summarized discussions from Monday's meeting about transitioning from T beams to picture frames for the HRPPD mounting and the need for further work on co-bonding on a curved surface. (8:46)
  4. Co-Bonded Curved Piece

    • Bill advised against cutting the co-bonded curved piece into smaller strips, suggesting it be sent as a whole for uniformity in coating. (12:09)
  5. Rerunning Entire Package

    • Kolja suggested regenerating the LUT (by rerunning the entire package rahter than a part of it) with the new field map which Alexander agreed upon. (18:19)
  6. Radiation Hardness Simulations

    • Prakhar emphasized the importance of accurate material models for radiation hardness simulations before proceeding with dose calculations and stressed the need for correct material implementation in the simulation software. (24:50)
    • Prakhar proposed implementing realistic materials before running simulations to ensure accuracy and minimize additional efforts, which Alexander agreed upon. (27:47)
  7. Meeting Conclusion

    • Alexander concluded the meeting, thanking participants for attending. (31:00)

Next Steps

  1. Inspection of End Rings

    • Dan to visit Stony Brook next week to inspect the end rings for machining quality and engineering aspects. (To be decided) (2:02)
  2. Shipping Bonding Tests

    • Sushrut to cut the flat piece and send it while sending the curved piece as a whole, based on Kong's instructions from the Monday meeting. (13:31)
  3. Example Lookup Tables and Sigma Plots

    • Youqi to show example lookup tables on Monday, and Brian to review three sigma plots. (20:39)
  4. Clarifying Materials

    • Bill to clarify some incorrect materials by tomorrow and reply to the email thread with Alex to keep everyone up to date. (27:05)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Stony Brook vessel & mirror PED work update
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    • 2
      Purdue vessel & mirror PED work update
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Andreas Werner Jung (member@cern.ch), Sushrut Karmarkar (Purdue University (USA))
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