Jets and HF Working Group Meeting


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Meeting ID: 160 366 3395

Passcode: 289483

    • 1
      Reconstruction/momentum resolution updates
      Speaker: Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
    • 2
      Jet Reader Update
      Speaker: Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 3
      Speakers: Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Olga Evdokimov (UIC)

      Joint session on vertex finding and heavy flavor reconstruction

      July 26 (afternoon, time TBD)

      Names of organizers: Xin Dong, Olga Evdokimov, Brian Page
      Time required: We have requested a half day session. 
      Number of people anticipated to attend: ?? please let us know if you will be there in person + over Zoom
      Type of meeting:  a hybrid meeting with the first half dedicated to updates, information exchange, and discussions on TDR plots/readiness and then some time dedicated to work at the end if need be.