spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: procured by B'ham, supplier confirmed delivery by the end of this week (Wk50).
spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: 5 wedges procured (1 for Trst, 1 for Lpool, 3 for Bham). Any spTAB to be sent to the LBNL or LANL?
spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: test structures to practice spTAB bonding available, sent from RPE LTU as part of previous (and only) order.
spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: B'ham to start spTAB tests in early January 2025.
Further info provided by RPE LTU: Araldite2011 was used to encapsulate spTAB in Low TRL OB L4 protype 1 samples;
Further info provided by RPE LTU: drawing for 3D printed jig to interconnect B-FPC to M-FPC shared with collaboration; (Ask Marcello or Ihor for a copy)
Q-flex: LANL waiting for delivery of B-FPCs. A preliminary test plan was agreed via email.
RPE LTU: working on proposal for daisy chain strucutres to compare spTAB bonding and wire-bonding.