TOF Coordinator Meeting

US/Eastern (zoom)



Weekly ePIC TOF Coordinators/DSL meeting on cost/schedule and plans

Zhangbu Xu
    • 11:00 11:30
      Discussion about construction and installation needs at BNL for TOF 30m

      The Information we are looking for:
      what kind of infrastructure and support is needed at BNL
      to give some example questions:

      1) room for assembly: clean room? if yes what kind of clean room?

      staves assembled outside BNL and ready to ship to BNL (both BTOF and FTOF);
      need space of clean room (not high grade, regular lab)
      with liquid COOLING for testing and assembly standard PS 110V

      2) how big the room needs to be? does it need additional head room? does in need tables ect.?

      (space 5x10m^2 for 18 months from April 2029) no need for head room, but need tables for holding detectors

      3) what kind of electric power is needed 110V, 280V? how much amperage?
      110V, and 20A

      4) is some kind of gas supply needed? N2 bottle with regulator for example.
      no necessary

      5) do you need lifting crane or gantry?

      no need for assembly before installation (<50lbl)
      70KG for BTOF in terms of total weight,
      18KG for FTOF in terms of total weight

      6) do you need rigging support?
      only need for installation to ePIC at the final stage

      7) do you need computer connectivity?
      Yes, only need network;
      at the time of installation to ePIC, we need full connection ready for testing;

      8) what else?
