ePIC AC-LGAD TOF DSC Weekly Meeting Wednesday (10:30AM)

https://zoom.us/j/94203887542?pwd=NERaQWRuaEdlQ0JaOFRiSm1DT09QUT09 (zoom link)


zoom link

Meeting ID: 942 0388 7542 Passcode: 467095
Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University), Satoshi Yano
    • 10:30 10:40
      news and updates 10m


      AC-LGAD workfest at ePIC Collaboration meeting July 26, 2024

      Speakers: Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University), Zhangbu Xu (Kent State University)
    • 10:40 10:50
      simulation updates, (FTOF geometry) 10m


      TOF simulation meetings

      latest geometry envelop at:

      Speakers: Kentaro Kawade (Shinshu University), Chun Yuen Tsang (Kent State University)

      30 July ToF Simulation meeting

      • Status report for BToF Digitization by Prithwish 
      • Status report for FToF Digitization by Honey -> See will show some progress on this meeting?
      • Status report for PID w/ beam background by Kyohei

      Next meeting will be held on 27 Aug 9:00AM@EST

    • 10:50 11:00
      Thermal test of 1m stave 10m
      Speaker: Yi Yang (NCKU)
    • 11:00 11:20
      material budget requirements and target goals 20m

      attached pdf on the discussion about material budget from Zhenyu and Matt

      1. What is the required tracking angular resolution from the DIRC for
        tracks less than 6 GeV?
      2. What is the max momentum the BToF can reliably reach? If upper
        momentum reach of the BToF can provide good PID for the lower
        momentum reach of the DIRC, then maybe the DIRC performance
        could be relaxed in that region, if tracking is having a difficult time to
        meet its requirement.
    • 11:20 11:40
      BTOF ASIC choices? 20m

      There are quite some discussions about what we should put in as default choice for BTOF ASIC.
      See Satoshi's summary at ePIC collaboration meeting.
      We should continue this discussion, and hopefully arrive at
      a reasonable choice based on requirements, performance and availability.

      eRD109 organizes ASIC development and choices:

    • 11:40 12:00
      FYI: timeline for electronics in TOF construction 20m

      electronics WBS expected time when ASICs are needed for TOF