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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

The CSS Hamiltonian: high energy evolution of rapidity dependent observables

by Alexander Kovner (UConn)

Small Seminar Room (

Small Seminar Room

We consider evolution of observables which depend on a small but fixed value of longitudinal momentum fraction 

x, to high rapidity, such that η>ln1/x. We show that this evolution is not given by the JIMWLK (or BK) equation. We derive the evolution Hamiltonian - HCSS−JIMWLK​ which generates this evolution in the cases of dilute and dense projectile wave function. The two limits yield identical results for HCSS−JIMWLK​. We show that the resulting evolution for the gluon TMD is identical to the (double logarithmic) perturbative Collins-Soper-Sterman evolution equation in the longitudinal resolution parameter at a fixed and very large transverse resolution.

Organized by

Yacine Mehtar-Tani