ePIC pfRICH Engineering/Design Meeting



Meeting ID: 160 2832 6423 Passcode: 3DdgRUoscP


Recording Link:

Passcode: uSsbs#0N


Alexander highlighted the need for assembly and storage space, explaining that the prototype will be assembled at Thermalab instead of BNL. Beni stressed the importance of fully assembling the detector at BNL to prevent fit issues during the final assembly. Alex introduced concerns regarding thermal limits for mirror coatings during the beam pipe bakeout and the necessity for active cooling solutions due to temperature constraints. The team also discussed the need to review the project schedule due to delays from equipment issues and emphasized the importance of meeting project requests for pre-assembly and storage.

Key Points:

  • [0:14] Alexander discussed the need for assembly and storage space for the project, noting that the prototype would be assembled at Thermalab, not BNL.

  • [2:10] Beni emphasized the necessity of fully assembling the detector at BNL before shipping parts to the beam test to avoid assembly fit issues.

  • [9:34] Alex introduced concerns about thermal limits for mirror coatings during the beam pipe bakeout, highlighting the need for active cooling solutions and precise temperature management.

  • [14:31] Sushrut shared results from a heat transfer analysis showing that cooling only the flanges might not adequately manage the thermal gradient affecting the inner mirror.

  • [16:50] Alex mentioned that current temperature information contradicts previous discussions regarding the beam pipe bakeout.

  • [30:30] Alex summarized the assembly plan for the pfRICH prototype, detailing steps from fabrication at SBU to final assembly at Fermilab.

  • [36:30] Alex stressed the need to review the overall project schedule due to delays from equipment issues, such as the chiller being down and machine time needed for the rings.

  • [41:47] Alexandre emphasized the importance of meeting project requests regarding pre-assembly and storage before discussing final assembly steps.

Next Steps:

  • [13:44] Preet to create new spare pieces of coatings and ship them back to Purdue for thermal cycling to determine the thermal limit of the mirrors, with an emphasis on starting this process as soon as possible.

  • [14:14] Sushrut to continue working on heat transfer analysis and explore cooling options for the inner mirror, considering water glycol cooling and other potential solutions to address the thermal gradient issue.

  • [36:26] Alex and the team to reassess the project schedule in the next week or two to address delays caused by issues like the chiller malfunction and waiting on machine time for the rings.

  • [43:00] Alex to follow up with Sushrut after the meeting to get an update on the ring machining time and ensure proper scheduling for beam time.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:20
      SBU Updates 20m

      Updates from Bill/Kong/Charles regarding summary of what has been done recently on the mirror coating/analysis and vessel production

    • 13:20 13:40
      Purdue Updates 20m

      Update from Andy/Sushrut regarding end ring production/simulation and mirror substrate updates.

    • 13:40 14:00
      AOB 20m

      Discussion about any other business