ePIC pfRICH Engineering/Design Meeting



Meeting ID: 160 2832 6423 Passcode: 3DdgRUoscP

Meeting Recording:

Passcode: G7XmBw&#


Alex emphasized the need for establishing a clear protocol before thermal testing begins and highlighted the importance of addressing potential mirror issues before making final design decisions. There was also confirmation of progress with the project, particularly with the arrival of a crucial chiller part allowing coating to resume. A proposal for Sushrut to visit Stony Brook to conduct metrology measurements was supported. Due to time constraints, some ongoing discussions were deferred to the next meeting.

Key Points

  1. Opening Comments

    • Alex suggested starting with Alexander's comments before moving on to updates from Stony Brook and Purdue. (0:32)
  2. Thermal Testing Protocol for mirror

    • Brian stressed the need for a protocol before thermal testing begins, and Alex agreed, acknowledging the importance of making a timely decision on the protocol. (6:22)
  3. Mirror Issues

    • Alex emphasized the need to address potential issues with the mirrors before making final design decisions, indicating that a one-week delay would be manageable. (16:03)
  4. Chiller Part Arrival

    • Preet confirmed the arrival of the chiller part, which will allow coding to resume within a day, indicating continued progress on the project timeline. (19:56)
  5. Sushrut's Visit to Stony Brook

    • Alex proposed that Sushrut visit Stony Brook to use the metrology equipment to measure foam milling geometry. Sean agreed that this would be beneficial. (27:52)
  6. Design Considerations for Rings and Foam

    • Alex discussed the design considerations for the ring and foam, emphasizing the importance of ensuring a clearance fit and addressing dimension-related issues. (45:50)
  7. Metrology Data for Precision

    • Alex explained the importance of obtaining metrology data to understand tolerances for the end ring and its relevance to manufacturing precision. (50:38)
  8. Deferring Ongoing Discussions

    • Due to time constraints, Alex proposed pushing ongoing discussions to the next meeting and prioritizing other topics for this meeting. (57:24)

Next Steps

  1. Thermal Testing

    • Preet to email Kong to request access to the mirrors for thermal testing. (2:22)
    • Sean to clean out the chamber in the afternoon, with Brian available to assist if needed. (3:14)
  2. Metrology Equipment

    • Alexander to discuss the possibility of sending metrology equipment to Stony Brook for foam scanning, as suggested by Alex. (43:36)
    • Sushrut to follow up regarding the surface scanning equipment for the foam at Stony Brook and report back to the group. (44:44)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      SBU Updates

      Updates from Bill/Kong/Charles regarding summary of what has been done recently on the mirror coating/analysis and vessel production

    • 2
      Purdue Updates

      Update from Andy/Sushrut regarding end ring production/simulation and mirror substrate updates.

    • 3

      Discussion about any other business