Felix Erben, CERN, [HET Theory Seminar], "The $\rho$ and $K^*$ resonances from lattice QCD at physical quark masses"

Small Seminar Room (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605506805?pwd=AA9rwL4hM5AwG2b0zEwDdXjzhvJjSz.1)

Small Seminar Room



Hadron spectroscopy and the study of QCD resonances on the lattice have made significant progress in recent years. A key development is our recent calculation of the $\rho$ and $K^*$ resonances at physical quark masses using Domain-Wall Fermions. I will present this calculation, including how we computed systematic errors on all final results using an AIC importance sampling strategy. I will also explain how this calculation represents an important milestone towards a precision calculation of semileptonic decays with multi-hadron final states, such as $B \to K^*$ decays.

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