EPIC Far-Forward Weekly Meeting

Alex Jentsch, Michael Pitt, Yulia Furletova, Evgeny Shulga, Matthew Posik, Rasmita Timalsina, Sourav Tarafdar, Yuji Goto, Michael Murray
AC-LGADs: Alex
Bump-bonded AC-LGADs tested with a strontium source looking at analog output for the moment. Work is ongoing with TCT scans and analysis. EICROC testing with new firmware also ongoing, especially for TDC and ADC.
HBK pixilated LGADs should come in about December. Trying to test completely EICROC0 so we can get EICROC1 by the spring. Will test bump bonded and wire bonded versions at test beam of FNAL. (Note we cannot do laser scans with bump bonded versions)
>>> Yulia thinks we need a dedicated meeting with Fernando about readout boards. 
Alex commented that Roman Pots and B0 would have different readout configurations. Need a different carrier board design for Roman Pots and off momentum detectors. Distance from ASICs to front end readout is only about 1m for Roman Pots but probably several meters for B0. For B0 physical layout of sensors has to be different for Forward TOF.
>>> Ask Forward TOF group to present next week. 
ZDC: Decisions
Layout  and choice of crystal will be discussed tomorrow by management and subdetector leads. 
Very little done so far. 
>>>> Todo: Subsystem conveners: Please start working on Overleaf. It is due in a few weeks. 
B0 Magnets: 
Hope to get update from designers soon. Jonathan should be present next week. 
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      General Updates
      Speaker: Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory)