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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

Recent STAR Results on Net-proton Number Fluctuations from the RHIC BES-II


Small Seminar Room (Bldg 510 Physics)

Small Seminar Room

Bldg 510 Physics

The main goal of the RHIC beam energy scan program (BES) is to study the strongly interacting nuclear matter phase structure and search for the possible QCD critical point in high-energy nuclear collisions. By performing measurements of data recorded by the STAR detector in Au+Au collisions from the BES at RHIC, several interesting properties of nuclear matter have been investigated.  In this talk, we will focus on the physics of phase boundary and QCD critical point. Specifically, new BES-II data on collision energy and centrality dependence of (net-)proton cumulants, up to the 4TH order, in Au+Au collisions at = 7.7, 9.2, 11.5, 14.6, 17.3, 19.6 and 27 GeV, will be presented. The new experimental results will be discussed within the framework of non-critical model calculations.
Organized by

Prithwish Tribedy