EPIC Far-Forward - B0 subsystem meeting



  • FEE for EMCal progress: After a lot of unexpected trouble in what I thought would be the easy part, we finally have PCBs with the SiPM (+LED+thermistor) being made.  Optimistically they could be ready as soon as next week and we can start testing in the lab.  There is a fringe benefit here that the people making them are (to all appearances) skilled engineers, experienced with SiPM, and interested in the project and hopefully will do more for the project. 

  • Simulation for trackers: We already for some time recognized a need to update the simulation, first just the geometry and second the digitization to include charge sharing rather than "effective" pixel size.  As a task it bounced around for some time, but now there is a student here who has taken and will actually work on at least the geometry part.  He's a "young" student, so it will take more time than for someone more advanced but we have in-house experience from the EMCal so I'm confident we'll get this done.  The student, named Kfir by the way, just finished his last exam of the semester yesterday and so this should be picking up now.

  • Funding: This is maybe more of an Elke&Rolf topic and I've been in touch with them about it, but Igor and I (& Eli Piasetsky whom you may know?) have finished putting together a proposal for Israeli funding of most of the B0 detector core costs.  We are now soliciting letters of support from other Israeli researchers since the funding agency wants to see a broad community.  The proposal will be submitted by mid March. 


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