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Wiki: https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=FarForward
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Short-term goals (few weeks)
New B0 beampipe design exists and needs to be imported into DD4hep.
Alex can put in the new beampipe into DD4hep by next week.
Also needs to include the exit window from the IP.
For the EMCAL we need to somehow integrate the cooling and mechanical support into DD4hep, at least in a simplified form.
Yulia will share the current CAD model with Igor and Zvi to start looking into this.
Short-term new beam pipe + modified CURRENT detector geometry in DD4hep.
Do some studies with the “ideal” geometry + new pipe before updating the geometry to match CAD for the sensor layout.
Tracker must be 5mm from the edge of the beam pipe.
Longer-term (few months)
Using the B0 field map vs. using the “ideal” dipole + quadrupole.
How do our requirements change now that the B0 has worse acceptance than assumed in the Yellow Report?
1.3 GeV/c is the spec for 275 GeV – need the same for the 10x100 GeV.
Detector Technology
Need to freeze the stave dimensions, need to account for the new beam pipe design.
A stave concept has been drawn up, and initial discussion with an electrical engineer (Steve Boose, BNL) have begun.
Where do we place the readout?
2 meters is the maximum length of the cable from the ASIC to the readout card
Current “easiest” option is to have readout on the disks, pull fibers out of the magnet.
India is putting the layout together with the RP stave design - will discuss on Monday what things look like.
Cooling for the B0 AC-LGADs vs. the RP?
Can we use liquid cooling for the B0? → likely no, and may be overkill
Igor et al. did some studies on heat dissipation at room temperature in air for the lumi pair-spectrometer.→ Igor will send the slides around
Beginning mock-up of small crystal array to start testing how to mount electronics onto crystals with our installation constraints.
4 + 1 crystals available to work with for now.
And also beginning testing with two different types of SiPMs to see what will match our constraints and requirements.
4x 6x6 (3 with 15um pitch, one with 10um pitch) – how to arrange the channels, still in-progress.
Cooling for the EMCAL is still an open-issue, important for the crystals, on top of cooling the electronics.
Integration of calibration fibers/system
.General engineering:
B0 mockup is ready.
Installation sequence:
o Bottom half of EMCAL crystals, then beampipe, then Upper half of EMCAL crystals ( See slides from Charlie). EMCAL electronics and readout will be installed later, after beam commissioning.
o Tracking layers as clam shells, in “open” position while guided to correct z-position then closed into place.