EPIC Far-Forward - B0 subsystem meeting


Short-term goals (few weeks)

  • New B0 beampipe design exists and needs to be imported into DD4hep.

    •  Alex can put in the new beampipe into DD4hep by next week.

    •  Also needs to include the exit window from the IP.

  • For the EMCAL we need to somehow integrate the cooling and mechanical support into DD4hep, at least in a simplified form.

    •  Yulia will share the current CAD model with Igor and Zvi to start looking into this.

    • Short-term new beam pipe + modified CURRENT detector geometry in DD4hep.

  • Do some studies with the “ideal” geometry + new pipe before updating the geometry to match CAD for the sensor layout.

    • Tracker must be 5mm from the edge of the beam pipe.

Longer-term (few months)

  • Using the B0 field map vs. using the “ideal” dipole + quadrupole.

  • How do our requirements change now that the B0 has worse acceptance than assumed in the Yellow Report?

    •  1.3 GeV/c is the spec for 275 GeV – need the same for the 10x100 GeV.


Detector Technology

  • Tracking: 

  • Need to freeze the stave dimensions, need to account for the new beam pipe design.

    • A stave concept has been drawn up, and initial discussion with an electrical engineer (Steve Boose, BNL) have begun.

  • Where do we place the readout? 

    • 2 meters is the maximum length of the cable from the ASIC to the readout card

    • Current “easiest” option is to have readout on the disks, pull fibers out of the magnet.

    • India is putting the layout together with the RP stave design - will discuss on Monday what things look like.

    • Cooling for the B0 AC-LGADs vs. the RP?

      • Can we use liquid cooling for the B0? → likely no, and may be overkill

      • Igor et al. did some studies on heat dissipation at room temperature in air for the lumi pair-spectrometer.→ Igor will send the slides around

  • EMCAL: 

  • Beginning mock-up of small crystal array to start testing how to mount electronics onto crystals with our installation constraints.

  • 4 + 1 crystals available to work with for now.

  •  And also beginning testing with two different types of SiPMs to see what will match our constraints and requirements.

  • 4x  6x6 (3 with 15um pitch, one with 10um pitch) – how to arrange the channels, still in-progress.

  • Cooling for the EMCAL is still an open-issue, important for the crystals, on top of cooling the electronics.

  • Integration of calibration fibers/system 

  • .General engineering:

  • B0 mockup is ready. 

  • Installation sequence: 

o   Bottom half of EMCAL crystals, then beampipe, then Upper half of EMCAL crystals ( See slides from Charlie).  EMCAL  electronics and readout will be installed later, after beam commissioning. 

o   Tracking layers as clam shells, in “open” position while guided to correct z-position then closed into place.

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