Contributed Talks III
- John Paul Chou (Rutgers University)
The New Experiments With Spheres-Gas (NEWS-G) is dedicated to the direct search for Dark Matter candidates in the 0.1 – 10 GeV range. The experiment uses the novel Spherical Proportional Counter detector, which exhibits a number of key features including: a) low energy thresholds, few tens of eV, owing to low detector capacitance independently of the volume and high gain operation; b) small...
We have all heard of the cloud and bubble chambers of course, and the latter in the context of direct WIMP dark matter detection even. However, no one has explored a 3rd phase transition, into solid, until now that is. This talk will introduce the snowball chamber, which utilizes a supercooled liquid, just purified water in the prototype. An incoming particle triggers nucleation in the liquid,...
Authors: Sankha S Chakrabarty and Pierre Sikivie
Caustic rings of dark matter with tricusp cross-section were predicted to lie in the galactic disk. In the self-similar evolution of the dark halo, their radii increase on cosmological time scales at a rate of order 1 kpc/Gyr. When a caustic ring passes through the orbit of a star, the orbit is strongly perturbed. We find that a star moving in...