3โ€“7 Jan 2018
Building 54
US/Pacific timezone


Workshop Session

5 Jan 2018, 14:00
Perseverance Hall (Building 54)

Perseverance Hall

Building 54


Workshop Session

  • Gunther Roland (MIT)

Workshop Session

  • Marco van Leeuwen (NIKHEF)

Workshop Session

  • Bjoern Schenke (BNL)

Workshop Session

  • Joern Putschke (Wayne State Univ.)

Workshop Session

  • Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University)

Workshop Session

  • Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)

Workshop Session

  • There are no conveners in this block

Workshop Session

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Peter Jacobs (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
05/01/2018, 14:00
Dr Ben Nachman
05/01/2018, 14:05
Dr Christian Bierlich
05/01/2018, 14:35
Prof. Zhongbo Kang (University of California Los Angeles)
05/01/2018, 15:05
Prof. Helen Caines (Yale)
05/01/2018, 16:00
Prof. Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)
05/01/2018, 16:30
Dr Abhijit Majumder (Wayne State University)
05/01/2018, 17:00
Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
06/01/2018, 09:15
Prof. Brian Cole
06/01/2018, 09:45
Dr Yang-Ting Chien
06/01/2018, 11:00
Dr Yacine Mehtar-Tani
06/01/2018, 11:30
Dr Daniel Pablos (McGill)
06/01/2018, 14:00
Dr Chun Shen (Brookhaven National Lab)
06/01/2018, 14:30
Mr Scott Pratt (Michigan State University)
06/01/2018, 15:00
Derek Teaney (Stony Brook)
06/01/2018, 16:00
Shanshan Cao (Wayne State University)
06/01/2018, 16:30
Dr Guilherme Milhano
06/01/2018, 17:00
Adith Ramamurti (Stony Brook)
07/01/2018, 09:36
Yue Shi Lai (UC Berkeley)
07/01/2018, 10:45
Prof. Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University)
07/01/2018, 11:33
Dr Kolja Kauder (Wayne State University)
07/01/2018, 12:03
Prof. Marco Van Leeuwen
07/01/2018, 12:33
Building timetable...