High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[RIKEN lunch seminar] Exclusive $\rho$ meson production in $eA$ collisions: collinear factorization and the CGC

by Dr Renaud Boussarie

2-160 (Bldg. 510)


Bldg. 510


We will focus on the theoretical description of exclusive $\rho$ meson production in $eA$ collisions, using a hybrid factorization scheme which involves Balitsky's shockwave description of the Color Glass Condensate in the $t$ channel, and Distribution Amplitudes (DAs) in the $s$ channel. We will first give a quick introduction to the shockwave framework and to collinear factorization up to twist 3 for DAs, then we will apply these framweworks to the production of a longitudinal meson at NLO accuracy, and to the production of a transverse meson at twist 3 accuracy. We will insist on the experimental applications, and on several theoretical questions raised by our results: the dilute BFKL limit at NLO for diffraction, and collinear factorization breaking at twist 3.