High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[HET] Quark Mass Definition and Extraction from (2+1+1)-Flavor Lattice QCD

by Urs Heller (American Physical Society)

2-160 (Bldg 510)


Bldg 510


I summarize a new heavy quark mass definition, the minimal renormalon subtracted (MRS) mass by the TUMQCD collaboration. It is based on the relation between the heavy quark mass and heavy-light meson masses in heavy quark effective theory.  The Fermilab Lattice, MILC, and TUMQCD collaborations then used this new method to extract heavy quark masses using (2+1+1)-flavor HISQ ensembles of the MILC collaboration including ensembles with physical light quarks. I end with showing results on heavy-light pseudoscalar meson decay constants obtained in a similar analysis.