High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[HET Seminar] Searching for flavour symmetries: old data new tricks

by Jessica Turner (Fermilab)

Small seminar room

Small seminar room


The observed pattern of mixing in the neutrino sector may be explained by the

presence of a non-Abelian, discrete flavour symmetry broken into residual

subgroups at low energies. These flavour models require the presence of

Standard Model singlet scalars, namely flavons, which decay to charged leptons

in a  flavour-conserving or violating manner.  In this talk, I will present the constraints on 

the model parameters of an A4 leptonic flavour model using a synergy of

g-2, charged lepton flavour conversion and collider data. The

most powerful constraints derive from  the MEG collaboration's result and the reinterpretation of an 8 TeV ATLAS search for

anomalous productions of multi-leptonic final states.