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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

Measurements and Calculations of $\hat{q}L$ via transverse momentum broadening in RHIC collisions using di-hadron correlations

by Michael Tannenbaum (BNL)


The renewed interest in analyzing RHIC data on di-hadron correlations as probes of final state transverse broadening as shown at Quark Matter 2018 by Miklos Gyulassy citing theoretical calculations compared to experimental measurements which didn't look right on Miklos' figure led me to take a closer look at this issue using published PHENIX data . The measured values of $\hat{q}L$ show the interesting effect of being consistent with zero for values of the associated particle transverse momentum pTa >3 GeV/c. This is shown to be related to the well-known effect of the variable IAA, the ratio of the Au+Au to p+p pTa distributions for a given trigger pTt.