Particle Physics Seminars at BNL

SB/BNL Joint Cosmo seminar: Marcel Schmittfull, IAS: "Prospects for CMB lensing-galaxy clustering cross-correlations"

Small Seminar Room

Small Seminar Room


The lensing convergence measurable with future CMB experiments will be highly correlated with the clustering of galaxies that will be observed by deep imaging surveys such as LSST. I will discuss prospects for using that cross-correlation signal to constrain inflation models (fnl), the growth of structure as a function of redshift, and the sum of neutrino masses without optical depth information. A key limitation of such large-scale structure analyses is that dark matter halos and the galaxies within them only form at peaks of the dark matter density distribution, which is challenging to model. I will present recent work on this, where we found that a new basis of IR-resummed operators successfully describes simulated halos at the field level over a surprisingly wide range of scales.