13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Kinetic Decoupling of Effective WIMPS

15 Aug 2013, 13:30
Namaste Lounge (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Namaste Lounge

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Cosmic Frontier Cosmic Frontier


Dr William Shepherd (UC Santa cruz)


I will present a calculation of the thermal decoupling temperature and implied dark matter halo mass distribution cutoff within the framework of effective theories of dark matter. For the first time, this calculation has been considered for all interactions which respect parity, whether the dark matter couples dominantly to leptons, quarks, or both, and including the relevant couplings to pions after the QCD phase transition and loop-induced couplings to leptons where they are not strongly suppressed. I will explore the implications of contact operator constraints for early universe cosmology, and find that, within effective theories of this type, there is no way to address the missing substructure problem by holding the dark matter in kinetic equilibrium sufficiently late in the universe.
APS member ID 61150552

Primary author

Dr William Shepherd (UC Santa cruz)

Presentation materials