13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

The MicroBooNE LArTPC

15 Aug 2013, 11:45
ISB 102 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 102

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing


Dr Sarah Lockwitz (Fermilab)


MicroBooNE is a liquid argon time projection chamber scheduled to begin taking data in 2014 at Fermilab. While it will investigate physics objectives (cross sections, oscillations), it also has a role in the R&D effort for proposed larger LArTPCs. This talk will discuss the design of MicroBooNE detector and the status of construction.
APS member ID 61150666

Primary author

Dr Sarah Lockwitz (Fermilab)

Presentation materials