13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Bootstrapping the O(N) Vector Models

15 Aug 2013, 14:10
Page Smith Library (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Page Smith Library

University of California, Santa Cruz


Dr David Simmons-Duffin


We study the conformal bootstrap for 3D CFTs with O(N) global symmetry. We obtain rigorous upper bounds on the scaling dimensions of the first O(N) singlet and symmetric tensor operators appearing in the \phi_i x \phi_j OPE, where \phi_i is a fundamental of O(N). Comparing these bounds to previous determinations of critical exponents in the O(N) vector models, we find strong numerical evidence that the O(N) vector models saturate the bootstrap constraints at all values of N. We also compute general lower bounds on the central charge, giving numerical predictions for the values realized in the O(N) vector models. We compare our predictions to previous computations in the 1/N expansion, finding precise agreement at large values of N.

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