13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

MINERvA Charged Current Inclusive Analysis

16 Aug 2013, 13:00
1h 30m
Stevenson Event Center (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Stevenson Event Center

University of California, Santa Cruz


Mr David Martinez (CBPF Brazil)


MINERvA is a few-GeV neutrino scattering experiment that has been taking data in the NuMI beam line at Fermilab since November 2009. The experiment will provide important inputs, both in support of neutrino oscillation searches and as a pure weak probe of the nuclear medium. For this, MINERvA employs a fine-grained detector, with an eight ton active target region composed of plastic scintillator and a suite of nuclear targets composed of helium, carbon, iron, lead and water placed upstream of the active region. In this talk, we present the current status of the charged current inclusive analysis in the plastic scintillator.
APS member ID 61140275

Primary author

Mr David Martinez (CBPF Brazil)

Presentation materials

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