13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Topologically Massive Yang-Mills Theory and Link Invariants

15 Aug 2013, 09:40
Page Smith Library (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Page Smith Library

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Field and String Theory Field and String Theory


Mr Tuna Yildirim (University of Iowa)


2+1 dimensional gauge theories have been an important theoretical testing ground for new ideas that could potentially be used in 3+1D. After three decades, a good understanding of 2+1D non-Abelian gauge theories still seems out of reach. Many think that using link invariants of knot theory may lead to a better understanding of these theories. With this motivation, we study Chern-Simons(CS) + Yang-Mills theory, also known as topologically massive Yang-Mills theory(TMYM). Using geometric quantization, we calculate the wave-functional for TMYM theory in order to get Wilson Loop expectation values. Then, at large distances where only a topological theory survives, we compare CS and TMYM Wilson Loop expectation values to get a condition that can make Skein relations of knot theory useful for TMYM theory. Furthermore, we study the TMYM Hamiltonian and finally we comment on the mass gap of the theory.
APS member ID 61142678

Primary author

Mr Tuna Yildirim (University of Iowa)


Prof. Parameswaran Nair (CUNY) Ms Suzanne Carter (University of Iowa) Prof. Vincent Rodgers (University of Iowa)

Presentation materials

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