13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Electrode Isolation on P-type Silicon Devices with Alumina (Al2O3) Passivation Layer

16 Aug 2013, 15:20
ISB 102 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 102

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing


Zachary Galloway (SCIPP, UCSC)


Inter channel shortening due to electron accumulation layer near silicon surface is a problem for any segmented p-type and double-sided n-type detectors. The standard approach for inter-strip or inter-pixel isolation is an implanted p-type barrier, implemented as either p-stop or p-spray. We present an alternative approach to the isolation problem, which features alumina deposition as a top passivation layer. The alumina layer forms a negative interface charge with silicon surface that prevents formation of the electron accumulation layer. We test the method with conventional p-type sensors that do not have the p-type barrier between electrodes. The sensors have been reprocessed: the top side silicon oxide passivation is removed, and the alumina layer is deposited. Our measurements prove that the alumina layer provides the inter-electrode isolation.
APS member ID 60029561

Primary authors

Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP- UC Santa Cruz) Vitaliy Fadeyev (SCIPP, UCSC) Zachary Galloway (SCIPP, UCSC)

Presentation materials