8:30 AM
Operations Statistics and Failure Analysis
Peter Ingrassia
8:50 AM
RHIC PS Reliability & Developments
Donald Bruno
9:10 AM
RF Reliability & Developments: Low Level & High Level
Kevin S Smith
9:30 AM
RHIC Control System Reliability & Developments
John Morris
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9:50 AM
Instrumentation Systems Developments in RHIC Run-13
Robert Hulsart
10:30 AM
RHIC Run-13: Triumphs, Challenges and Disappointments
Al Marusic
10:50 AM
Startup Run Coordination: Summary and Improvement
Gregory Marr
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
11:10 AM
View from Operations
S. Perez
11:30 AM
Abort Kicker System
Christoph Montag
11:50 AM
Maintenance and Shutdown
Paul Sampson
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)