High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[NT/RIKEN seminar] New tools for the quantum many-body problem

by Dean Lee

CFNS room 2-38

CFNS room 2-38


I discuss three new methods for the quantum many-body problem.  The first is the pinhole trace algorithm for first principles calculations of nuclear thermodynamics.  I will present lattice Monte Carlo results for the liquid-vapor critical point.  The second is the eigenvector continuation method for extrapolation and interpolation of quantum wave functions.  I will show how it can be used as a fast emulator for quantum many-body calculations and as a resummation method for divergent perturbative expansions.  The third is the projected cooling algorithm for quantum computers.  This method is able to construct the localized ground state of any Hamiltonian with a translationally-invariant kinetic energy and interactions that vanish at infinity.