BNL Physics Software and Computing Seminars

The Rucio Data Management System, Cedric Serfon (BNL)

by Cedric Serfon

Physics Dept Small Seminar Room

Physics Dept Small Seminar Room


Cedric Serfon is a Rucio core team member and a new member of the NPPS Group.


Rucio is a Data Management system initially developed for the ATLAS collaboration. It includes many advanced features to allow managing data at the Exascale. During the past years, it has become more and more popular in the HEP and astro communities. Some collaborations are currently evaluating it whereas other ones already decided to use it as their production Data Management system. In the following talk, I will give a general introduction to Rucio, explaining its major concepts, as well as some of its most interesting functionalities. I will also detail the migration strategy that was used in ATLAS to migrate to Rucio in a transparent and non-disruptive way. This experience can be of interest for any communities considering this move in the near future.

The Nuclear and Particle Physics Software (NPPS) Group and RHIC ATLAS Computing Facility (RACF) in the BNL Physics Department jointly organize a seminar series on software and computing topics of interest to the HEP and NP communities.

Blue jeans:

Organised by

Paul Laycock, Torre Wenaus