13–15 Sept 2014
Howard Gittis Student Center
US/Eastern timezone


QCD and Hadron Physics / Theory (Incl. Short presentations)

14 Sept 2014, 16:30
Howard Gittis Student Center

Howard Gittis Student Center

1743 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122

Presentation materials

Dr D.G. Richards (JLab)
14/09/2014, 16:30
Dr Ian Cloet (ANL)
14/09/2014, 17:00
Prof. Iain Stewart (MIT)
14/09/2014, 17:30
Prof. Simonetta Liuti (University of Virginia)
14/09/2014, 18:03
Prof. Brian Tiburzi (City College Of New York)
14/09/2014, 18:06
Prof. Matthias Burkardt (NMSU)
14/09/2014, 18:09
Building timetable...