13–15 Sept 2014
Howard Gittis Student Center
US/Eastern timezone


QCD and Hadron Physics / Hadron Structure at Long Distance (Incl. Short presentations)

13 Sept 2014, 13:15
Howard Gittis Student Center

Howard Gittis Student Center

1743 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122

Presentation materials

Prof. Ron Gilman (Rutgers University)
13/09/2014, 13:15
Prof. Krishna Kumar (Stony Brook University)
13/09/2014, 13:40
Prof. Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
13/09/2014, 14:05
Prof. Daniel Phillips (Ohio University)
13/09/2014, 14:25
Dr Calvin Howell (Duke University And TUNL)
13/09/2014, 14:45
Prof. Steve Pate (New Mexico State University)
13/09/2014, 15:05
Dr Mac Mestayer (JLab)
13/09/2014, 15:08
Dr Zhiwen Zhao (ODU / Jefferson Lab)
13/09/2014, 15:11
Prof. Blaine Norum (University of Virginia)
13/09/2014, 15:14
Prof. Harold Griesshammer (George Washington University)
13/09/2014, 15:17
Prof. Mohammad Ahmed (North Carolina Central University / TUNL)
13/09/2014, 15:20
Dr Seamus Riordan (University Of Massachusetts Amherst)
13/09/2014, 15:23
Building timetable...