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Medium Excitation by Jets [Hands-on Session]

1. Start the Docker Container

If you use ssh, you need to create your ssh session with the following command:

ssh -L 8888: user@server

Then, if you stopped the docker container for Gojko's jet hands-on session, please restart it,

For MacOS

docker run -it -v ~/MATTER_LBT_results:/home/jetscape-user/JETSCAPE/MATTER_LBT_results -p 8888:8888 gvujan/jetscape-school:latest

For Linux

docker pull gvujan/jetscape-school:latest
docker run -it -v ~/MATTER_LBT_results:/home/jetscape-user/JETSCAPE/MATTER_LBT_results -p 8888:8888 --user $(id -u):$(id -g) gvujan/jetscape-school:latest

The option -p 8888:8888 is necessary to creates a port to access the jupyter notebook, which we use in this hands-on session, from your local web browser.

2. Get Materials

Inside the docker container, download the school material from git:

cd ~/
git clone

Then go back to the build directory:

cd ~/JETSCAPE/build
cp -r ../../SummerSchool2020/med_res_session .

The materials used in this session are copied to the working folder by the last command.

3. Run Twostage-hydro of JETSCAPE

To perform a simulation with hydrodynamic medium response (in ~/JETSCAPE/build),

./runJetscape med_res_session/jetscape_user_twostagehydro_summer_school_2020.xml

4. Visualization with Jupyter Notebook

If you have already launched any jupyter notebooks, please close them all first! Then, launch jupyter notebook inside the docker contain with the following command,

jupyter-notebook --ip --no-browser

Open the displayed address starting with in your browser. Then please go to the folder med_res_session, open hydro_movie-medium_response.ipynb, and follow the instructions.