The study of anomalous transport in QGP can give fundamental insight not only on the complex interplay of chiral symmetry restoration, axial anomaly, and gluon topology but also on the evolution of magnetic fields in the early Universe. A primary anomalous process predicted to occur in the magnetized QGP, created in RHIC collisions is the chiral magnetic effect (CME).
In this talk, I will discuss the rudiments and the results from studies involving the use of a new charge sensitive correlator $R_{\Psi_m}(\Delta S)$, designed to detect and characterize the CME. The experimental measurements performed with the $R_{\Psi_m}(\Delta S)$ correlator, show the expected patterns for background-driven charge separation for the measurements relative to $\Psi_3$ and those relative to $\Psi_2$ for the $p$($d$)+Au systems. By contrast, the Au+Au measurements relative to $\Psi_2$, show event-shape-independent $R_{\Psi_2}(\Delta S)$ distributions consistent with a CME-driven charge separation, quantified by widths having an inverse relationship to the Fourier dipole coefficient $\tilde{a}_1$, which evaluates the CME. The $R_{\Psi_2}(\Delta S)$ results and their dependencies on the system-size, centrality, and event-shape, as well as the future use of the correlator, will be discussed in details.
Jiangyong Jia