June 23, 2020 to August 14, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

Silicon Detectors (Block 5)

Jul 17, 2020, 12:00 PM
1h 15m
ID 832 459 133 (BlueJeans)

ID 832 459 133



Gabriele Giacomini (BNL)


Abstract: Silicon technology is approximately 70 years old, but thousands of years have been dedicated to R&D by a multitude of researchers; the well-established microelectronic industry is based on it. Being that the silicon is sensitive to photons (from infrared to X-rays, passing through visible light and ultraviolet) and to charged particles, we can leverage the microelectronic technology to make sensors out of silicon. Silicon sensors are used in a variety of applications including scientific experiments (High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Photon Science, etc) as well as industrial and commercial use (cameras, etc). The basic structure is the p-n junction across which a voltage is applied. When an ionizing event occurs (a photon or a charged-particle interacting with silicon), a short current pulse (~ few ns) is generated and detected by the read-out electronics. There are many kinds of silicon sensors and each one must be tailored according to the specific application. We’ll give an overview of the state of the silicon technology and its different applications.

Recording is available at https://bluejeans.com/s/RPyRp2WTXky/

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