The MUon proton Scattering Experiment (MUSE) at the Paul Scherrer Institute will measure the elastic electron-proton and muon-proton-scattering cross-sections with beam momenta between 115 MeV/c and 210 MeV/c and scattering angles between 20 degrees and 100 degrees. As the momenta of the final-state leptons remain largely unmeasured, the determination of radiative corrections faces...
The interpretation of experimental data in charge radius measurements of proton in elastic e+p scattering requires correct calculations or elaborate estimations of radiative corrections. This is also the case for deuteron charge radius measurements in elastic e+d scattering as well as for semi-inclusive DIS scattering measurements of polarized and unpolarized particles. In this talk we will...
The radiative corrections for the low-energy lepton-proton elastic scattering will be presented.
Since at low scattering energies utilized in MUSE, the lepton masses are kept in evaluations of the radiative contributions. We use the low-energy heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and evaluate contributions at leading and next-to-leading order.
I will i) review approaches for RC calculation in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), ii) present the explicit exact analytical expressions for the lowest order radiative corrections to the SIDIS of the polarized particles, iii) briefly discuss the approach for covariant extraction and cancellation of the infrared divergence from the real and virtual photon emission...
Recently, the so-called X17 boson may have been seen in nuclear physics experiments at the ATOMKI institute in Debrecen, Hungary. The mass range of the particle, which is about 17 MeV, hence its name, makes the particle hard to detect in low-energy atomic physics experiments, despite the unprecedented accuracy of modern experiments. We find the effective Hamiltonians generated by X17 exchange,...