Central Detector / Integration / Magnet WG meeting


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8 July 2020 Central detector integration and magnet meeting

Attendees: Patricia Rossi, Silvia Dalla Torre, Sookhyun Lee, Tanja Horn, Thomas Hemmick, Vardan, Maxence Vandenbroucke, Vladimir Berdnikov, X. He, Zisis Papandreou, Henry Klest, Jin Huang, Joe Schwiening, Julia Furletova, Kenneth Barish, Kondo Gnanvo, Murad Sarsour, Oleg Tsai, Elke Aschenauer, Eugene Chudakov, Evaristo Cisbani, Francesco Bossu, Greg Kalicy, Guido, Hamblet Mkrtchyan, Will Brooks, Alexander Bazilevsky, Alexander Kiselev, Arshak Asaturyan, Astrid Morreale, Benedikt Zihlmann, Brian Page, Carlos Muños Camacho, Craig Woody, John Arrington

 A discussion between the Calorimetry and PID WGs.

Calorimetry: electron ID main focus. Vladimir Berdnikov presenting the talk.

Presented and discussed the detector technology matrix. Simplified simulations, inclusive DIS: e-pi separation, strongly depends on energy and resolution. Compares simulations of 3 technologies, electron efficiency ~95%.

Effect of more materials in front of detectors, a more realistic simulation: Did material budget scan. Electron reconstruction efficiency suffers significantly at some pseudo rapidity, e.g. -2 to -3. Can recover some radiated events via measurement of the radiated photon. Does not include TPC mass, GEM structures, etc. which will be a large impact, order 20%. Low momentum - separates radiated photon from electron in cluster, this is what the root problem is at low momentum.

Discussion: e-pi suppression, negative impact of (PID detector) materials on electron ID. Need to have a system view: not add extra mass, focusing on only one performance parameter; and not to rely on performance of a single detector,
but to put together all of the systems that can contribute to understanding an event. TRD? Two independent detectors are always better than one good detector, e.g. for efficiency studies.

PID: Tom Hemmick presenting.

Learned at Pavia meeting: need assistance on electron ID at low momentum. Tom: <4 GeV is a good spec to require additional e-pi separation.

*** RICH: uses too much length along z coordinate in the detector.
*** ModularRICH: more compact. Aerogel+lens.
*** HighPerformanceDIRC: improved focusing ability relative to Babar (proximity focusing).
*** TransitionRadiationDetector. Make TR photons by step change of n with radiator, photon created in X-ray energies. Can have multiple layers. High pixellation to identify electron by location could be a future evolution to improve performance of TRD. Not likely to be ready in EIC timeframe. Medical technologies using selenium may offer an eventual breakthrough. Selenium production difficulty is the limit to this direction.
*** dE/dx via gas detector. Could be in TPC.
*** Hadron Blind Detector. It’s a threshold Cerenkov detector. CsI photocathode on GEMS. Experience from Phenix.
HBD with microMEGAs a possible path, improved e-pi performance likely. Phenix detector was optimized to reject two-electron signals, not identify electrons.

Combination detectors TPC+HBD, DIRC+TOF, all four combined. Innovations are possible.
TPCC - TPC with a Cerenkov Counter back.
TOF is probably not going to work.
dE/dx may be able to be optimized.
TRD @ 1 GeV and above.

These designs all have very different material budgets. This information will be organized and provided. Most of it is known already. We have to look at a combined response of all detectors together to make best selections.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 12:00 12:20
      Calorimetry WG presentation 20m
      Speakers: Eugene Chudakov (Jefferson Lab), Dr Vladimir Berdnikov (CUA)
    • 12:20 12:40
      PID WG presentation 20m
      Speakers: Patrizia Rossi (Jefferson Lab), Thomas Hemmick (Stony Brook University)
    • 12:40 13:00
      Discussion 20m
    • 13:00 13:20
      AOB 20m