WSWED1: Characterization and Speciation of Marine Materials using Synchrotron Probes

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This workshop will bring together people who are using synchrotron methods on marine materials with potential new users in the marine science community, to share techniques and to address common challenges.  This will educate and inform new users in this growing area of interest, to help them build on existing experiences and be successful in proposing and collecting synchrotron data on marine materials.

Workshop Organizers:

Sarah Nicholas (NSLS-II)
Rose Jones (University of Minnesota)
Paul Northrup (Stony Brook University)

Workshop Speakers:

Brandy Toner (University of Minnesota)
Alesandra Leri (Manhattan Marymount College)
Colleen Hoffman (University of Washington)
Phoebe Lam (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Ben Twining (Bigelow Laboratory for Marine Sciences)
Wen Hu (NSLS-II)

Back to main agenda

    • 1
      Introduction and Welcome
    • 2
      Collecting, handling, and preserving marine samples for speciation of soft, tender, and hard X-ray elements
      Speaker: Brandy Toner (University of Minnesota)
    • 3
      Probing Halogens in Marine Particles Using Synchrotron-Based Methods
      Speaker: Alessandra Leri (Professor of Chemistry, Marymount Manhattan College)
    • 4
      Break and discussion
    • 5
      Deciphering the organic-mineral relationship of marine particles using Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy
      Speaker: Colleen Hoffman (Postdoctoral Scholar, Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies (CICOES), School of Oceanography, University of Washington)
    • 6
      Soft X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline at NSLS-II – a new soft x-ray beamline for STXM and ptychography techniques
      Speaker: Wen Hu (NSLS-II)
    • 7
      Break and discussion
    • 8
      Speciation and oxidation states of marine particulate Fe and Mn: sampling and analysis
      Speaker: Phoebe J. Lam (Associate Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz)
    • 9
      Probing the element content of marine plankton with synchrotron XRF
      Speaker: Benjamin S. Twining (Senior Research Scientist, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science)
    • 10
      The Records of Dust Iron Provenance in Marine Cores and Its Potential to Affect Ocean Productivity
      Speaker: Ben Bostick
    • 11
      Panel discussion
    • 12
      Closing and benediction