WoNDRAM is a “mini” workshop organized by the Nuclear Data Working Group (https://www.nndc.bnl.gov/ndwg/) to address the impact of nuclear data on reactor antineutrino measurements.
The goals of the workshop are:
- Identify nuclear data needs for the reactor source term, the antineutrino spectrum calculation and the detector response that impact the fundamental research and applications of reactor antineutrino measurement systems.
- Recommend solutions to the identified nuclear data needs.
- Bring together the various communities involved in reactor antineutrino measurements along with the nuclear data community to enhance communication and understanding.
The workshop consists of a plenary and three topical discussion sessions:
- Nuclear Data for Reactor Source Term Calculations
- Nuclear Data for Antineutrino Spectrum Calculations
- Nuclear Data for Detector Response Calculations
The objective of each session is to obtain community consensus of nuclear data needs and recommended solutions.