First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Aaron | Tamashiro | Oregon State University |
Adam | Bernstein | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Aitor | Bracho | Duke University |
Alan | Poon | LBNL |
Alejandro | Algora | IFIC (CSIC-Univ. of Valencia) |
Alejandro | Sonzogni | NNDC - BNL |
Alfredo | Galindo-Uribarri | ORNL |
Alireza | Haghighat | Virginia Tech |
Allan | Carlson | NIST |
Amy | Lovell | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Andrea | Mattera | BNL |
Andrew | Conant | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Andrew | Holcomb | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Andrew | Jastram | Texas A&M University |
Andrew | Nicholson | Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research & Development |
Andrew | Nicholson | DNN R&D |
Anna | Erickson | Georgia Tech |
Anosh | Irani | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Anthony | Ramirez | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Anton | Tonchev | LLNL |
Arthur | Beloeuvre | Subatech |
Belkis | Cabrera-Palmer | Sandia National Laboratories |
Benjamin | Shu | NNDC - BNL |
Bernadette | Cogswell | Virginia Tech University |
Bertis | Rasco | ORNL |
Bethany | Goldblum | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Bob | Svoboda | UC Davis |
Brendan | Kochunas | University of Michigan |
Brent | VanDevender | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Brian | Bucher | Idaho National Laboratory |
Brown | David | NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Bruce | Pierson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Battelle |
Bruce | Vogelaar | Virginia Tech |
Bryce | Littlejohn | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Callie | Goetz | ORNL |
Carlo | Giunti | INFN-Turin |
Carlos | Soto | BNL |
Catherine | Riddle | Idaho National Laboratory |
CATHERINE | ROMANO | IB3 Global Solutions |
Chad | Lani | Penn State |
Charles | Prior | Duke University/TUNL/COHERENT |
Chikako | Ishizuka | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Chris | Pope | IB3 Global Solutions Inc. |
Christopher | Grant | Boston University |
Christopher | Jackson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Christopher | Perfetti | University of New Mexico |
Christopher | Ramos | DOE/NNSA/DNN |
Cristian | Roca Catala | LLNL |
Cyrus | Hirjibehedin | MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Dan | Archer | ORNL |
Danila | Roubtsov | Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) |
Darren | Bleuel | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
David | Jaffe | BNL |
Davide | Chiesa | university and INFN of Milano - Bicocca |
Debbie | Heistand | LLNL |
Denis | Bergeron | NIST |
Diane | Markoff | North Carolina Central University |
Diego | Venegas Vargas | University of Tennessee Knoxville/Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Douglas | Bowen | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Douglas | Rodriguez | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Eligio | Lisi | INFN, Bari |
Elizabeth | McCutchan | BNL |
Eric | Matthews | UC Berkeley |
Ezekiel | Blain | RPI |
Felicia | Sutanto | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Geon-Bo | Kim | LLNL |
Giuseppe | Verde | INFN Catania |
Goran | Arbanas | ORNL |
Grace Farrell | Farrell | BNL |
Gustavo | Nobre | BNL |
Guy | Savard | Argonne National Laboratory |
Hugon | Karwowski | UNC Chapel Hill |
Igor | Jovanovic | University of Michigan |
J. Pedro | Ochoa-Ricoux | University of California at Irvine |
Jack | Silano | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
James | Cole | Allegient Defense |
Jason | Hayward | University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab |
Jason | Newby | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Jean | Ragusa | Texas A&M University |
jean-christophe | sublet | IAEA |
Jeff | Martoff | Temple University |
Jeffrey | Vanhoy | US Naval Academy |
Jenna | Ocheltree | Brookhaven National Lab |
Jennifer Jo | Ressler | LLNL |
Jesse | Brown | ORNL |
John Gregory | Learned | University of Hawaii, Physics and Astronomy |
Jonathan | Burns | STFC |
Jonathan | Link | Virginia Tech |
Jonathan | Toebbe | Naval Reactors |
Jose L. | Tain | Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (CSIC-Univ.Valencia) |
Juan | Collar | University of Chicago |
Juan | Manfredi | Air Force Institute of Technology |
Juergen | Reichenbacher | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology |
Karla | Tellez-Giron-Flores | Center for Neutrino Physics, Virginia Tech |
Karsten | Heeger | Yale University |
Kate | Scholberg | Duke University |
Kay | Kolos | LLNL |
Keith | Jankowski | DOE Office of Science |
Kevin | Ryu | MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Kirsten | Pena | IB3 Global Solutions |
KJ | Maddux | IB3 Global Solutions |
Krzysztof | Rykaczewski | ORNL Physics Division |
Kurt | Harris | Flibe Energy, Inc. |
Leendert | Hayen | North Carolina State University & Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |
Lino | Miramonti | Milano University & INFN |
Lisa | Felker | LLNL |
Logan | Scott | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Lorenzo | Loi | Politecnico di Milano |
Lowell | Crow | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Luiz | Leal | IRSN |
Magali | Estienne | Subatech - CNRS/IN2P3 |
Marc | Bergevin | LLNL |
Marc | Wonders | NNSA |
Marcel | Demarteau | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Marco | Grassi | University of Padova - INFN |
Marian | Jandel | University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA |
Matteo | Vorabbi | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Matthew | Dunbrack | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Matthew | Gooden | Los Alamos National Laboraoty |
Matthew | Heath | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Matthew | Jessee | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Mauricio | Ayllon Unzueta | NASA |
Michael | Dion | ORNL |
Michael | Foxe | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Michael | Mendenhall | LLNL |
Michael | Smith | ORNL |
Michael | Smy | UCI |
Mitch | Allmond | ORNL |
Muriel | Fallot | Subatech |
Nathaniel | Bowden | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Nicholas | Scielzo | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
paige | kunkle | Boston University |
Paola | Sala | INFN Milano |
Paraskevi (Vivian) | Dimitriou | International Atomic Energy Agency |
Patrick | Griffin | Sandia National Laboratories |
Patrick | Huber | Virginia Tech |
Paul | Sorensen | DOE Office of Nuclear Physics |
Phil | Barbeau | Duke University |
Pieter | Mumm | NIST |
Pranava Teja | Surukuchi | Yale University |
Rachel | Carr | MIT |
Ramon | Arcilla | NNDC-BNL |
RANDALL | LAVIOLETTE | ASCR, Office of Science, U.S. Dept. of Energy |
Reed | Spitzer | Duke TUNL |
Robert | Grzywacz | University of Tennessee |
Robert | Mills | UK National Nuclear Laboratory |
Roberto | Capote | IAEA NDS |
Ronald | Malone | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Rupak | Mahapatra | Texas A&M University |
Ryan | Lorek | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Sandra | Bogetic | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Scott | Beck | Naval Reactors |
Sean | Finch | Duke University |
Shaheen | Dewji | Texas A&M University |
Shaofei | Zhu | NNDC,BNL |
Shikha | Prasad | Texas A&M University |
Sophia | Farrell | Rice University |
Stephan | Oberstedt | European Commission |
Steve | Skutnik | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Steven | Dazeley | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Steven | Weber | MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Tadashi | Yoshida | Tokyo City University |
Thibault | Laplace | University of California Berkeley |
Thomas | Langford | Yale University |
Tibor | Kibedi | Australian National University |
Timothy | Ashenfelter | DOE/NNSA/NA-222 |
Timothy | Classen | LLNL |
ugur | mertyurek | ORNL |
Viacheslav | Li | LLNL |
Victor | Guadilla | University of Warsaw |
Warnick | Kernan | NNSA/NA-22 (PNNL) |
Wei Eng | Ang | Texas A&M University |
Werner | Tornow | Duke University |
William | Rhodes | NNSA |
William | Wieselquist | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Xavier | Mougeot | CEA LNHB |
Xiangpan | Ji | Brookhaven National Lab |
Xianyi | Zhang | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Xiaobin | Lu | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Yuri | Podpaly | NA-221 |
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