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EIC ECCE tracking discussions.
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Meeting ID: 161 872 4619
Passcode: 212461
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Meeting ID: 161 872 4619
Passcode: 212461
1) Major topic discussed: during the meeting, we have gather the brief technology inputs from the participants. The major interests include both gas and silicon technology options. We need to get the merged detector layout by Jun. 14, 2021. We start the dedicated discussions in upcoming meetings for the proposed detector technology, R&D status, schedule, costs and risks, detector simulation studies, physics requirements etc.
2) Meeting organization: we will meet on a weekly basis but switch the meeting date and time to allow colleagues from different time zones to dial in. Besides the kick off meeting on May 7th, the upcoming meetings are arranged the following:
3PM US eastern time, May 11
10AM US eastern time, May 21
3PM US eastern time, May 25
and so on
3) We will schedule joint meeting with the other detector sub-systems (e.g., PID) and physics sub working groups (e.g. Jets and Heavy Flavor) in the near future.
4) We would like to gather inputs about the detector matrix by May 21, 2021.