Aug 2 – 7, 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Contribution List

90 / 90
Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Richard Milner (MIT)
8/2/21, 10:00 AM
James Yeck (University of Wisconsin-Madison and Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8/2/21, 10:20 AM
Timothy Hallman (Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics)
8/2/21, 1:50 PM
Marek Lewitowicz (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NUPECC))
8/2/21, 2:20 PM
Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab), Marta Ruspa (Univ Piemonte Orientale & INFN, Torino)
8/3/21, 10:00 AM
Marek Lewitowicz (
8/3/21, 10:10 AM
William Jacobs (CEEM / Indiana University)
8/4/21, 10:15 AM
Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham)
8/4/21, 11:00 AM
Pawel Nadel-Turonski (Jefferson Lab)
8/4/21, 11:15 AM
Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
8/4/21, 11:30 AM
Thomas Hemmick (Stony Brook University)
8/4/21, 12:00 PM
Xiaochun He (Georgia State University)
8/4/21, 12:30 PM
Alexander Jentsch (Brookhaven National Lab)
8/4/21, 1:45 PM
Charles Hyde (Old Dominion University)
8/4/21, 2:00 PM
Jerome LAURET (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8/5/21, 10:00 AM
Jan Bernauer (Stony Brook University and RBRC)
8/5/21, 10:25 AM
Dantong Yu (Computational Science Center)
8/5/21, 10:50 AM
Andrea Bressan (University of Trieste and INFN), Dr Markus Diefenthaler (Jefferson Lab), Torre Wenaus (BNL)
8/5/21, 11:30 AM
Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Laboratory)
8/5/21, 11:35 AM
Joe Osborn (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
8/5/21, 11:50 AM
8/5/21, 12:05 PM
Wouter Deconinck
8/5/21, 12:20 PM
Markus Diefenthaler (Jefferson Lab)
8/5/21, 12:35 PM
8/5/21, 12:45 PM
E. C. Aschenauer (BNL)
8/5/21, 1:45 PM
Ana Sofia Nunes (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Oleg Eyser (BNL)
8/5/21, 2:00 PM
William Schmidke (BNL)
8/5/21, 2:20 PM
Ciprian Gal (Stony Brook University)
8/5/21, 2:40 PM
Dave Gaskell
8/5/21, 3:00 PM
Daniel Pitonyak (Lebanon Valley College)
8/6/21, 10:25 AM
Alexey Vladimirov (University of Regensburg)
8/6/21, 11:15 AM
Jennifer Rittenhouse West (UC Berkeley & EIC Center JLab)
8/6/21, 2:45 PM
Andrea Bressan (University of Trieste and INFN), Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
8/7/21, 10:00 AM
Bernd Surrow (Temple University)
8/7/21, 10:15 AM
Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
8/7/21, 10:30 AM
Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab), Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
8/7/21, 10:45 AM
Barbara Badelek (University of Warsaw (PL)), Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
8/7/21, 11:00 AM
Olga Evdokimov (UIC), Qinghua Xu (SDU), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
8/7/21, 11:15 AM

China, India, Italy

Andrea Bressan (University of Trieste and INFN), Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
8/7/21, 11:45 AM